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Which Ansell condom best suits your sign? 
Looking for a new partner? Want to see if you and your partner are sexually compatible? Check out Kerry Kulkens general guide to who you should be with!
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Aries (March 21 April 20) best suited with Sagittarius (November 23 December 21)
This is a highly-sexed sign that probably got you into trouble more than once variety being the spice of life. Your best bet would be a Sagittarius lover. There are many things in common in your attitudes towards sex. Neither strives for permanence or life-long attachment you both live for the moment.
Sign to avoid: Pisces they would like to keep you for ever and expect a long-lasting relationship which often is not on your mind.
Condom: LifeStyles Sport Strawberry Ribbed!

Taurus (April 21 May 21) best suited with Virgo (August 24 September 23)
Romantic and at the same time, down to earth, you are a slow mover and should avoid the fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. You crave for a deeply satisfying love-life and like a partner for life. Virgo is a reliable sign and often their commonsense approach to love appeals to you.
Sign to avoid: Aries youre just not compatible.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Coloured in red!

Gemini (May 22 June 21) best suited with Aquarius (January 21 February 19)
The twin sign of Gemini is a complicated personality. On one hand you want excitement and romance, on the other stability and permanence. It is not uncommon for some Geminis to conduct two love affairs simultaneously with success! An Aquarian is a good love partner for Gemini, as they usually keep you interested with their mystery.
Sign to avoid: Taurus most likely to be bored and the slow love-making would not appeal to you.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Form Fitting!

Cancer (June 22 July 23) best suited with Taurus (April 21 May 21)
You are not too worried about your sex life. You worry more about the fidelity of your partner, but romance is what you crave. A Taurus would give you that and the ever-reliable Taurus would satisfy you too. Your warm and thoughtful nature makes you a nice stable lover and you have a knack of making others happy.
Sign to avoid: Gemini youre a little too sensitive for any sex games.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Extra Large!

Leo (July 24 August 23) best suited with Libra (September 24 October 23)
Your magnetic personality gives you many chances of love in your life. But you still only want the one destined for you. An attractive Libra would be perfect for you, as they are passionate but undemanding. Everything you do should be the best, so you expect to be praised for your love-making.
Sign to avoid: Virgo they are too ready to criticise you, which of course you resent.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Ultra Thin!

Virgo (August 24 September 23) best suited with Cancer (June 22 July 23)
Easily aroused, you worry a lot about your love life. As you are very selective, there are not many that come up to your standards. By nature you are somewhat insecure, so the secure Cancer would make the best lover for you and their affectionate nature would be best suited.
Sign to avoid: Leo their fiery temper would make a love union impossible.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Coloured in blue!

Libra (September 24 October 23) best suited with Leo (July 24 August 23)
Often intellectual and full of moods, it is often hard to know what you want. A Leo can usually read your moods and give you mental and physical satisfaction. Leos sexual fire would burn brightly with you around.
Sign to avoid: Capricorn less emotional who you have little in common with.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Sport Mixed Berry!

Scorpio (October 24 November 22) best suited with Scorpio!
Your life is full of sexual fantasies. As a powerful personality, you reflect this in your sex life. The only sign that would really please you as a lover is another Scorpio, but it would be a stormy affair!
Sign to avoid: Libra as a direct personality you would not understand Libras many different needs.
Condoms to try: Ansell Xtra Pleasure!

Sagittarius (November 23 December 21) best suited with Aries (March 21 April 20)
If your prospective partner does not understand your love for games, it is not going to work. A good match in this field is Aries: they like to play too and enjoy life the same as you.
Sign to avoid: Cancer this water sign would soon cool your fire.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Extra Strong!

Capricorn (December 22 Jan 20) best suited with Pisces (February 20 March 20)
Hard to please, you are best suited with a Pisces, who are also discriminating people. As you are both sensitive and charming, you should be able to satisfy each other.
Sign to avoid: Aquarius you are completely incompatible and would do nothing for each other.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Regular!

Aquarius (January 21 February 19) best suited with Gemini (May 22 June 21)
Some people would say you are shocking, as you tend to flaunt your sexuality. You like explosive love affairs and few people can resist you. People like Geminis are made for your kind of love.
Sign to avoid: Scorpio it would curtail your free-wheeling nature completely and be a disaster.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Ribbed and LifeStyles Studded!

Pisces (February 20 March 20) best suited with Capricorn (December 22 Jan 20)
Sentimental Pisces dreams of perfect love mental and physical. A Capricorn would most likely be the nearest to a perfect lover for you. You are both sensual and imaginative in love-making and the romantic atmosphere you create will suit you both extremely well.
Sign to avoid: Sagittarius it would be completely frustrating.
Condoms to try: LifeStyles Sport Peppermint Studded!

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