TrUE iNsiGhTs AbOuT mEn aNd WoMen

kEwL PoEmZ
SeX WiD dA StArZ
FuNNy PiCk uP LiNeZ
StAtiStiCz oN AbOrTiOn
BiZZaRe SeX LaWs
iF u R AgAiNsT GuYs At ThE MoMeNt ...
10 Things ...
fRiEnDsHiP MsN NaMeZ
BiTcHy MsN NaMeZ
LoVe MsN NaMeZ
TrUE iNsiGhTs AbOuT mEn aNd WoMen
cHeEkY mSn NaMeZ
Bizzare Facts
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15 WaYz GuYz fAiL iN bEd (RuLeZ)
BrEaKuP LiNeS (NEW!!!)

I got emailed this and i thought it was funny ... hence thats why its on this page

1. She won't unlock car door for him.
-Doesn't engage in oral sex.


2. He gets in car without opening door for her.
-No foreplay.


3. He can't hail a cab.


4. He insists on going to a brand new restaurant.
-Prefers virgins.


5. She insists on going to a brand new restaurant but gets lost on the way there.
-Is a virgin.


6. He insists on going to a romantic, candlelit restaurant.
-Compulsive Don Juan.


7. He insists on going to a homey little cafe.
-Compulsive Don Quixote.


8. He insists on going to a Polynesian bar.
-Compulsive Don Ho.


9. She wants to go to a French restaurant.
-Will swallow.


10. She wants to go to a deli.
-Won't swallow.


11. She uses Sweet n' Low.
-Wears falsies.


12. She takes too long deciding what to order.
-Has trouble reaching orgasm.


13. She orders salad dressing on the side.
-Will give a hand job, but won't go "all the way".


14. She gives explicit orders to the waiter or waitress.
-Will expect incredibly skillful gymnastics in bed.


15. He insists on ordering for you.
-Thinks that you had an orgasm when you didn't.


16. He asks for "the usual".
-Insists on missionary position only.


17. He asks what the specials are.
-Will want you to use handcuffs.


18. He fills up on bread and crackers.
-Premature ejaculator.


19. He doesn't finish everything on the plate.
-Has already cum.


20. He insists on having some of what you ordered.
-Will make you sleep on the wet spot.


21. He changes mind after ordering.
-Will never call you.


22. She changes tables.


23. She drinks decaf.
-Fakes orgasm. (Female)


24. He orders in French.
-Fakes potency. (Male)


25. He sends food back.
-Will sleep with you, brag to all his friends, and then try to borrow money.


26. She asks for detailed descriptions of the desserts.
-Needs you to talk dirty during sex.


27. He orders a dessert involving ladyfingers.
-Wants a hand job.


28. She orders a dessert involving nuts.
-Castrating bitch.


29. She wants to split dessert.
-Is dying to move in with you and rearrange all your closets.


30. His credit card is refused.
-Low sperm count.


31. He undertips waiter.
-Small penis.


32. He undertips parking valet.
-Small penis.


33. He undertips cabbie.
-Small penis.


34. He uses a toothpick.
-Is trying to tell you size isn't everything.


35. He has a removable cassette player in car.
-Pulls out repeatedly during sex.


36. He has a cellular phone in car.
-Has a penile implant.



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